Max offers a vast collection of iconic series, award-winning movies, original content, and family favorites, featuring beloved worlds like Harry Potter, the DC Universe, and HBO. With Max, you'll enjoy unlimited access to thousands of TV shows and movies, including a deep library of brands and studios, the largest streaming library of DC Universe content, hundreds of original series, CNN Max for breaking news, live sports streaming, and an array of award-winning shows and movies. Max is available across various devices, making it the ultimate entertainment destination.
Max offers a vast collection of iconic series, award-winning movies, original content, and family favorites, featuring beloved worlds like Harry Potter, the DC Universe, and HBO. With Max, you'll enjoy unlimited access to thousands of TV shows and movies, including a deep library of brands and studios, the largest streaming library of DC Universe content, hundreds of original series, CNN Max for breaking news, live sports streaming, and an array of award-winning shows and movies. Max is available across various devices, making it the ultimate entertainment destination.